This installment is the first collaboration between Slow and Steady Wins the Race and the store Stand-Up Comedy in Portland. It is a simple catalogue of rainwear staples inspired by Portland's rainy weather: trench coats, ponchos, rain boots, rain caps, umbrellas and an ultimate cargo backpack carryall. Waterproof materials, local production and a celebration of Portland's dedication to green fashion and nature will be additional highlights to this special design collaboration.
Rainwear | Anorak in Red
Rainwear | Hardy Poncho in Khaki
Rainwear | Latourell Poncho in Khaki
Rainwear | Latourell Poncho in Cardamom
Rainwear | Latourell Poncho in Black
Rainwear | Double Falls Poncho in Black and Khaki
Rainwear | Last Unnamed Poncho
Rainwear | Trenchcoat in Black
Rainwear | Trenchcoat in Khaki
Rainwear | Rainwear Oxford
Rainwear | Waterproof Pump in Khaki
Rainwear | Waterproof Pump in Red
Shoe | Waterproof Pump | Black | Size 36