The ten pieces, when combined, form a complete wardrobe of the basic accoutrements of evening dress. Included in the suite are two tuxedo jackets, tuxedo sweatpants, one tuxedo shirt, one evening dress, one cummerbund fannypack, one evening glove clutch and an assemblage of accessories such as cufflinks and dress clips. This particular collection is an exercise of essential elegance and is defined by the distillation of traditional characteristics of western evening dress: tuxedo styling, the color black, the use of silk, the sheen of pearls, and the refinement of cufflinks.

Evening | Cummerbund Bag
Evening | Glove Clutch | Black
Evening | Glove Clutch | White
Evening | Tuxedo Tank
Evening | Tuxedo Shirt
Mens | Tuxedo Sweat Pants
Evening | Evening Dress
Evening | Tuxedo Jacket Notch Collar in Black
Evening | Tuxedo Jacket Shawl Collar in Black
Evening | Accoutrements Box